About us
Maritime Services

Van Wijngaarden Marine Services offers with her extended fleet maritime support to the dredging and renewables industry, offshore companies (oil & gas) and to the inland and open sea shipping. Amongst others we take care of towing services, transport, anchor handling and survey activities. We work worldwide to be of service to our clients in a professional and sustainable way.

We have a fleet of 19 ships for deep-sea, coastal and inland waters. They assist worldwide at dredging and a variety of offshore projects. In addition to that we execute towing trips. We support with the construction and maintenance of offshore and renewables projects, like windfarms at sea. Other services are geotechnical activities and seabed levelling in harbours and fairways.


We deliver our services at sea, in the coastal and inland waters. 

Our shipstow transports at sea, in coastal and inland waters;

  • execute seabed levelling  (ploughing) in ports and fairways;
  • sound water depths;
  • deployed at anchor handling;
  • assist with dredging-, or geotechnical works and in the construction and maintenance of wind farms offshore;
  • assist on offshore-, oil and gas projects, with diving activities, salvage and recovery of anchors lost at sea;
  • supply ships with fuel, drinking water and spare parts;
  • support at launchings;
  • provide for transport of persons.


Van Wijngaarden Marine Services has been founded by Wim van Wijngaarden in February 1974. At that time auxiliary equipment was being rented out to the dredging industry in The Netherlands. Already in 1975, the first miles were sailed abroad. In the United Kingdom we executed the first assignment. Since then many more projects were executed across the border.

Van Wijngaarden Marine Services is a firm family-owned company. The daily management is in the hands of the second generation of the family. The full team exist currently of 42 permanent employees and a variable number of temporary workers.

Long term

We choose consciously a long term strategy, meaning that we concentrate on the construction of long-term contracts with our clients.

Apart from that, we invest in our employees through training and education. Van Wijngaarden Marine Services focusses on innovative designs at the renewal of its fleet. These new designed workboats offer new and more facilities to improve our services. For example: in a very short period of time a ‘standard’ workboat can be refitted for the transport of persons.  Therefor we use a removable ‘crew cabin’.

Within our company we always focus on the optimization of our business processes. Continuously we seek possibilities to improve the quality of our services. It goes without saying that the safety of our workers and clients has top priority. The success of our company is completely dependent on the quality of our team. They constitute the real capital of our enterprise.

Van Wijngaarden Marine Services is a licenced learning company of the ‘Stichting Samenwerking Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven’ (SBB). On a yearly base we offer contracts for 3 to 6 trainees eager to learn.

The Right Partner… all over the world

Van Wijngaarden Marine Services is a people-oriented organization that delivers quality service through continuous innovation. We believe in working together with our team and clients to achieve the best results, focusing on long-term relationships based on respect and mutual growth.

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Chartering Tugs / Workboats (sea-going)

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Chartering Tugs / Workboats (inland)

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